Understanding Property Managers
Being a property manager is never an easy task as there is ostensibly always something that needs awareness and care. Everything requires constant attention and to be perpetually monitored, as preventing issues is typically more integral than fixing them. The cold winter months are certainly no different and usually bring forth a host of problems that require substantially more looking into. The onus of looking after these difficulties that arise during the winter months falls onto the plate of a property manager. It would be important for a manager to be prepared and have a proper condo property maintenance company with a positive reputation who is also highly referred, as you never want to use a company that cuts corners — particularly in the winter. A solid property maintenance company at the very least should be: reliable, a high quality of workmanship, properly insured, and loaded with the proper equipment. Unfortunately these qualities aren’t as common as one would think or like, but there are property maintenance companies out there that do exhibit these values. Reliability and high quality of workmanship are just some of the things that Green Side Up offers, among many other positive attributes.
Reliability and Accountability
The most important thing that Green Side Up focuses on is their reliability; which is a quality heavily desired during the cold, Canadian winter months. But what does reliability actually mean when it comes to a property maintenance company? For Green Side Up it means: routine site visits throughout the winter, 24/7 snow patrol, pre and post storm salting events, and 100% communication with their staff anytime of day. GSU keeps everyone fully apprised of the situation and what is exactly occurring on and off site – full disclosure and transparency is integral. That also includes the process of all equipment being fully loaded with GPS tracking systems that will notify all property management and/or board of directors when they are on site. Full access to the inter-face will be granted to Property Managers and Board of Directors that can locate the vehicle that is servicing their property at all times. This type of consistency and dependability offers piece of mind, which at the end of the day simply can’t be overvalued. Property managers can rest easy knowing that not only are the aesthetics of the property taken care of, but also the safety concerns are addressed and heavily focused on.
Liability and Safety
Safety can never be overlooked for obvious reasons, yet not all property maintenance companies prioritize it the way they should. During the winter months where there are many dangerous and potentially harmful elements, protection and security should pretty much be the primary focus for managers, properties, and companies alike. These precautions entail: walkways, steps, and entrances, in addition to roadways, to being cleared and properly salted. Relocating large areas of snow are also essential as they can cause traffic congestion and issues on your property. And 24/7 weather patrols can also aid in preventing ice build-ups or leaks that are prone to causing any accidents. At Green Side Up we store our own road salt and guarantee we will never be short in the event of an ice storm.
One thing that surprisingly gets overlooked yet is extremely important is liability insurance. Green Side Up is liable for insuring your property is 100% safe at all times, and has up to $5 million in commercial liability insurance. In fact, making sure the property maintenance company that you decide to go with should be one of the of first prerequisites that you seek out. Simply put, we take responsibility for any potential trips, slips and falls. Essentially, we are responsible to make sure the property is safe and through our insurance, your property is not responsible whatsoever. This liability is as significant as the quality of work itself and is a prudent move to look at liability insurance ahead of the referrals a company receives.
At the end of the day, being prepared is of the utmost importance and can mean different things to different people depending on their position. Being prepared for a property maintenance company like Green Side Up means plenty of detailed pre and post storm planning sessions. And being prepared for a property manager means hiring the right maintenance company well ahead of time.
Your Return on Investment
What matters to a lot of spending savvy property managers and board of directors is the cost and value of what they are paying for. Ultimately dollars and cents run the world and it certainly is no different when it comes to property. So what return do you get from what you pay a property maintenance company such as Green Side Up? You’re paying for the fees for the equipment used and the cost to use it (we’re equipped with a full fleet of heavy duty winter equipment including bobcats, front end loaders, and heavy duty trucks equipped with salters to name a few). Your investment also pays for the physical staff that works at Green Side Up for their time and skilled efforts. In addition, your payment accrues daily site checks, which are essentially tasks that go on behind the scenes, ensuring your property is safe. And above everything, your investment gets your liability assumed by Green Side Up.
In addition to all this, you also receive a plethora of intangibles such as reliability, 100% transparency and communication. Working alongside GSU’s president Jay Saveall who executes a family oriented approach to his business and a passion for the landscape industry.
The company has expanded from year round residential property maintenance to commercial property maintenance, and landscape construction. Between your daily commute to work, braving the harsh elements, and preparing yourself with your winter attire, snow removal should be the last thing on your mind when it comes to the frigid Canadian winter months. Do yourself a favour and get the experts to take care of it for you – the right experts, who will get the task done efficiently and professionally.
Ultimately, Green Side Up’s goal is to protect their client’s investments, which would likely put them on the same page as every property manager and director for the condo building.